Join the fight against Trigeminal Neuralgia!
Fighting TN (FTN) is a not for profit organisation, providing the Trigeminal Neuralgia community with a medium through which awareness and support can be raised.
FTN offers various merchandise showcasing our shield logo. They serve to not only raise awareness for the disease, but to also provide aid to those who suffer.
95% of profits from our FTN products are utilised for research into Trigeminal Neuralgia with the aim of finding a cure.
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Trigeminal Neuralgia is a neuropathic pain disorder
predominately affecting one side of the face when the trigeminal nerve has been impaired.
The trigeminal nerve is responsible for feeling sensation throughout your face, however when the nerve has been damaged or compressed by a blood vessel, it distorts the message sent to the brain.
Without awareness we cannot help the public to see this invisible disease or support medical staff to recognise and treat Trigeminal Neuralgia.